Thursday, October 30, 2008

yeahhh exam is over!!

hellow mellow guys..

gahhh today is last paper uh..PSK and EA..PSK is quite easy buttt EA OMG i think i'm gonna failed hehe..i'm death..u noe what EA paper 2 i just got shyyhh secret uh..then when it + with paper 1..ohhh NO!!..hmm act i'm not very well today..agak demam+flu but exam kan kena gak la g skool..and2 ari nie da anta buku teks uh..hehe..

aduhh balik skola dpt bad2 news..arghhh ayah nak potong internet uh..OMG u noe what i can't life w/o on9..shhhh wth la kan..i'm gonna borink like da hell la kan da la nak cuti skola nie..huwaaa anybody can help me?huh of coz u can't rite?gahhh hate it..k k esok rancang nak g umah syud lepaking2 tgk cd heheh..k stop here..adioss

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

PSV exam..

hellow mellow..

ari nie exam PSV uh..gahhhs tak suka sgt2 subjek tu..heheh aku lukis ntah cam ape2 je..bih yg teorinyee lagi la kantoi..hahah tak pe2 next year drop keyh heheh..paper 2 masa 3 jam pukul bapa da siap da yg paper teori plak 1 jam 15 min kol 12 lebey da abih hehe cepat dan efficiennyee hahah..k ari niee aku geram sgt2 dgn si tuttut..suka sggh cari pasal dgn aku..eeeww sabo je la..k la stop here..adioss..

Sunday, October 26, 2008

penat plus tired

hellow millow...

keyh smalam g umah akak kat kulim uh..g sana sbb nak g umah cik nah kwn lama mak..dia nak g makkah..act aku malas sgt nak g sana..tak suka la..but i've no choice terpaksa ikut..tadi kol 7 lebey baru sampai umah..penat sgt tapi kita on9 dulu hehe..smalam tak on9 sehari windu oohh..k k la mata nie pon da ngantuk sgt2..maw tidoo..ZZZZZzzzzzz

Friday, October 24, 2008


hmm keyh today is friday...sch hols until monday uh..i'm so bored..idk what to do just 0n9 ler..my bro balik uh..agak tak suka..y?mana tak nyee wak balik baju berlambak2 ishh igt nie ape loundry ke?perghh..heh exam tak abis lagik tp hols nie spatutnyee baca buku la kan..haha i'm so lazy uh..hmm oh yah mlm nie kat sch ade mlm amal..mkn2 gitu..klu g sorang bayar 20..haha btw i'm not going..ntah pe je kan..k till then da tak taw nak cite pe g..

Friday, October 17, 2008

gempak lagi menggemparkan..

haha ok ari nie maw cita pasal 1st day PMR..walaupun exam tu da abes ari nie..tapi ade 1 kejadian yg menggemparkan tlah blaku..what it is..hahah KANTIN SKOLA TERBAKAR MAA..pheww wat suspend je kan..sampai masuk paper dgn tv lagi..fuuyoo fames la skola SMKTSR haha..sape2 yg beli paper utusan on 14 okt(klu tak salah ar) ade baca la kot..ish2 mcm mane la bley terbakar tu..hmm ape2 pon GOOD LUCK TO ALL PMR CANDIDATE ..huhu best la korang da MERDEKA......hope korang dpt result yg gempak2.. =)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

time to sleep..

haha i'm sleepy now..i wanna to sleep..mb i can dreaming about aliff tonite haha..hurmm now was examination fever..huhu relax syieda plz concentrate on ur study 1st..ok2 time to off9..daaa

my 1st blogging

hehe ok now i'm trying to do some blogging..i'm not so good in blogging..but just doin my best in blogging...1st blogging.. no one prefect yah..hahah hope anyone out there can give me some guide in blogging..hmm =)